126 items found for ""
- We are more than our thoughts: A Research Journal on Self-Sabotaging
Oftentimes, things do not go the way we wanted them to. Of course, some people spend much of their lives suffering from a fierce desire for food, drinks, gambling, or other temptations that cause painful damage to their health and relationships. However, the power of self-sabotaging is more subtle, such as people underestimating their abilities, suppressing emotions, blaming others, or accumulating dysfunctional and distorted beliefs. Self-sabotaging happens when we destroy ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally or purposefully hinder our own success and wellbeing by neglecting personal goals and values (Brenner, 2019). This is also known as behavioral dysregulation and can be conscious or unconscious depending on the level of our awareness. This is when we choose not to put the effort into important things because we keep on thinking that we are not smart enough or passionate enough to accomplish it which in a way verifies negative beliefs about ourselves. They feel uncomfortable when they are on the verge of success. They were told they would fail for the rest of their lives or told themselves that they would fail throughout their life. On the other hand, people who seem to be “perfectionists” are also prone to self-sabotaging whenever something goes wrong, as often happens, perfectionists revert to embarrassment towards themselves thinking that they disappointed everyone. Setting big goals for yourself can often be overwhelming. It is recommended to take small steps at a time so we won’t also overwork ourselves. Remember, small progress is still progress. This negative behavior is time-consuming and requires a lot of energy and work. A study by researchers at Indiana University reported counterintuitive results in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. In this case, they did not compromise their performance when they had the best cognitive resources, not when they were tired. Therefore, it takes a lot of energy to continue this behavior which can result in maladaptive outcomes. Surely we want everything in our life to go smoothly as possible but we have to remember that we are human beings that ought to make mistakes so we can learn, but this is also not a reason for us to undervalue ourselves as it makes us feel worse. We need to learn the concept of being and having enough. For the people who constantly doubt themselves and undervalue themselves, we need to know that we are not perfect but we are capable of improving. Strive for excellence and improvement, not perfection. Make small improvements and record your progress towards achieving your desired goals and remind yourself that we are enough for ourselves and more than our thoughts. Sources: [1] What Is Self-Sabotage? How to Help Stop the Vicious Cycle. (2021, April 22). PositivePsychology.com. https://positivepsychology.com/self-sabotage/#:~:text=Self%2Dsabotage%20occurs%20when%20we [2] Field, B. (2022, January 28). Why We Self-Sabotage and How To Stop the Cycle. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/why-people-self-sabotage-and-how-to-stop-it-5207635 [3] Wilson, C. (2019). Self-Sabotage. Psychology Today. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/self-sabotage
- How the Pandemic made us Socially Awkward and gave us Anxiety
Have you noticed how it's a lot more difficult to go outside and socialize? Like it’s harder for you to order at fast-food restaurants and you feel anxiety? Or just generally awkward encounters with people? You’re definitely not alone, many people reported feeling the same and it is probably a collective experience. This is mainly due to the pandemic that has been going on for more than two years now, it caused many countries to close and impose health measures including lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, and quarantine days. This varies from country to country but one thing for sure is, that it definitely is harsher in the Philippines. We had one of the longest lockdowns in the world. Most of the schools are still closed and this is affecting kids too, it’s giving them very little chance to develop their social skills with their other fellow kids. Much research involving social isolation in astronauts, soldiers, and prisoners tells us that social skills can deteriorate, like how writing down notes after taking a long vacation feels weird and new to you and your hand. The longer you don’t use or do it, the worse it gets, the longer you are isolated from people, the worse your social skills become. Of course, this is expected due to our current situation but it is important to remember that we are social animals, and we need to socialize and be connected to people. The need and want to socialize is a very human thing, this helped us to survive in the wild up till now. Even introverts socialize every once in a while. Now, deteriorating social skills can eventually lead to loneliness and this has many effects including feeling angry, tired, irritable, or sad which can make us more distant from people. This phenomenon is becoming more apparent as more countries are opening up and more people are going out and noticing how much they and the world changed around them. Humans are very adaptable creatures, it’s what we’re best at, we will get used to isolating and not being able to socialize with people and we will also get used to socializing with people again. With time and effort, it will get better. References: Arlin Cuncic. (2021). How to Cope With Social Awkwardness After COVID-19 https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-cope-with-social-awkwardness-after-covid-19-5180279 Sachin Ravi and Raghav Chakravarthy. (2021). How the pandemic is affecting children’s social skills https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/blog/how-the-pandemic-is-affecting-childrens-social-skills-7097783/
- True Love: The Importance of Love in Mental Health
We live in a world where relationships matter - our family, friends, community, and our special ones. We give importance to them because we love them; we choose to please, understand, and respect them because of the more powerful emotions than any other feelings that can change people and the world, which is love. The word “Love” has been interpreted in many different ways. Some define it in a strong sense of love, and some describe it through virtues of trust, hope, and perseverance. With that, humans have created ways to celebrate love in various generations. In that sense, we humans aim and long for unconditional love because of its benefits in multiple aspects of our lives, including our mental health. According to Mahatma Gandhi, “Where there is love, there is life.” We live because we are loved and must also love because that is part of us as human beings in this world. It brings peace, unity, and harmony no matter where, when, and how the love came from. It is invincible and has an unbreakable power to lift us out of any emotional misery because it gives us a sense of worth and value which motivates us and gives us courage in life. Most things are achievable with love; without it, life is a never-ending battle against nothingness. On a socioeconomic level, love might help us cope with disease or deprivation. It can also provide us the courage to endure dangerous or challenging situations or the will to live and survive in the face of adversity. Love is a powerful force that instills hope. It promotes a sense of awe, magic, and mystery. When all else fails, there's always love that will heal everything, including our mental health. It provides us the fortitude to confront what we need and has to face and feel because love brings its type of sanity. There's a lot of love out there, but it's Love that relaxes us, replaces what has been lost, and repairs what has been damaged. It makes us feel complete and alive as if we are a part of something greater than ourselves. A good and supportive connection, whether romantic, familial, friendship, or otherwise, has been related to higher self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence in numerous studies. People can incorporate safer practices into their daily lives, lessen anxiety, and have a lower risk of getting depression or another mental disease if they love each other. Since the most frequent mental health problems are depression and anxiety, there is a definite link between sadness, fear, and social isolation. Marrying, on the other hand, reduces depression in both men and women, according to a study from the Department of Health and Human Services in 2017. High levels of support from the family and friends have also been demonstrated to enhance prognosis in situations like myocardial infarctions and cancer by reducing the sensations of anxiety and depression commonly linked with these illnesses, according to a study. Love indeed conquers all. It brings joy, peace, hope, and unity to everyone expressing and embracing this powerful emotion. It can make the worst into better and ugly into beautiful. It can heal the sick, brings hope to the hopeless, brings peace to war, brings unity to division, and brings change not just to the people but to the whole world. Love can improve us physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mostly, mentally. So, choose to love and let love heal us and our world. References Canopy Health. (2017). How Does Love Affect Our Physical Health? Retrieved from How Does Love Affect Our Physical Health? - Canopy Health Dayton, T. (2013). The Role of Love in Mental Health. Retrieved from The Role of Love in Mental Health | HuffPost Life Department of Health and Human Services (2017). The Effects of Marriage on Health: A Synthesis of Recent Research Evidence. Retrieved from The Effects of Marriage on Health: A Synthesis of Recent Research Evidence | ASPE (hhs.gov) Patnaik, T. (2021). Understanding the Role of Love in Mental Health. Retrieved from Understanding the Role of Love in Mental Health (medindia.net) Vallas, M. (2015). The Positive Effects of Love on Mental Health. Retrieved from The Positive Effects of Love on Mental Health - Psychiatry Advisor
- Pause & Restart: Resetting one's life
We are living in a society that never stops, we are taught to continue and move as fast as possible so that we can have a successful life. We are so futuristic that we are forgetting how crucial it is for us to pause and breathe so that we can examine the current life that we have. The words pause and restart connote a negative meaning for some for the reason that it will only ruin the path to success. Taking time to pause and breathe in this chaotic world should never be a bad thing. Life is too overwhelming to handle especially since there are current events that have been taking a toll on our mental health lately. Pausing and taking time to breathe does not take away the success that we are eyeing, instead, it helps us create a path that will ensure us to our future goals. We are taking a pause to move forward. According to Dr. Rindfleisch (2020), pausing and taking breaks will help us in various ways including increasing focus, boosting awareness to make healthy choices, reducing stress, helping to maintain interest and energy level, making it possible to do better work, and decreasing the risk of the types of injuries that can happen. Furthermore, taking a pause has many forms, it can be taking a vacation to a place that you’ve been wanting to go, taking time for a walk, or just simply letting the time pass. Moreover, taking a pause will help us develop a life skill that we need in order for us to survive this ever-changing world. Hence, taking a pause is not something that we should be guilty of, it is something that helps us to be a better version of ourselves. If taking a pause or break is a must then restarting too. These two work hand in hand, it enables us to survive the chaotic world that we are in. However, hitting the restart button can trigger uncertainties and fear. We are afraid to create a change in our life because doing so will lead us to ambiguity. We will rather choose mediocracy than hit the restart button because ambiguity means something that is bad. With that, everyone should know that by restarting or resetting our lives we are reshaping and redirecting our life to the right path. Restarting can be a door that will help us discover, examine, and create a sensible decisions in life. Restarting the button is not a negative move rather it is a sign of growth that can empower us. Just like a butterfly, there is beauty in change. Lastly, we should be taking ourselves not just on the outside but also on the inside. Don’t be afraid to do things that will help us be a better version of ourselves. Taking time to create a mentally healthy practice will help us be better individuals. Reference: Rindfleisch, A.J. (2020). The Health Benefits of Pausing and Taking Breaks. Whole Health: Information For Veterans. Retrieved March 22, 2022 from https://www.va.gov/WHOLEHEALTH/veteran-handouts/docs/PausingTakingBreaks-508Final-10-25-2018.pdf
- Grow from Losing
Everything comes to an end And mostly we’re confused about where to bend Even if it’s our most precious gem The day will come that we’ll lose them. Pain will be there, I am sure. As our love for them, it’s as pure. At first, we won’t find the cure But believe, there’s a rainbow after the pour. Grief will be there until dawn But there's always a way to keep on Doing things and setting goals Will help you grow within your soul. Seeking help from experts is best It will take time with a lot of tests But surely, you’ll gain needed aid Without being judged or feeling weighed
- Portrayals of Mental Health in Modern Media
With the rise of technologies that are commercially available to humans, so are the countless numbers of produced media. From television screens to smartphones, many shows and films are available to binge-watch on different streaming platforms. The abundance of these mediums within channels and the internet makes the audience to be informed while being entertained. Considered to be one of the discussed topics in recent years, issues about mental health are used as inspirations to make stories. However, people in the show business, specifically those who produce and create shows and films do not always have the perfect ways in doing so. Some shows and films were identified as inaccurate portrayals of mental illness in the media, while few shows and films were named to be accurately portrayed. According to an article titled “Media and the portrayal of mental illness disorders” (2020), within the recorded numbers of media that tackle mental health, there are more distorted stories than the precise ones. The media holds so much power that it can entertain, educate and even influence the minds and emotions of those who favor watching series that showcase their interpretation of mental health and mental illnesses. Stuart (2006) stated that the negative representation of those who are experiencing mental illness in the media creates a great effect. But the author also mentioned the positive sides of it as people are starting their conversations, gaining interest, and even exchanging debates with people around. The stigma of mental health from the media still lingers around and can also affect the audience’s minds. And for us who watch the shows and/or films, we can have a better understanding of how these play in our society. It can be done by analyzing how media businesses can distribute topics about mental health. Still, there are only a few available studies that talk about how media are handling their promotions for serious topics about mental illnesses that are featured in shows and films (Saleh, 2020). As media consumers, we should already be aware of what mental health is and how important it is for everyone. Presenting the reality of being diagnosed with mental illness can be tricky, but being the audience that’s been watching outside of the box, we can be mindful of the actions we can do to break the stigma. Sources: Media and the portrayal of mental illness disorders. Integrative Life Center. (2020, November 18). https://integrativelifecenter.com/wellness-blog/media-and-the-portrayal-of-mental-illness-disorders/ Naveed, N. (2020, June 2). How mental health issues are damaged by mass media. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/mental-health-stigmas-in-mass-media-4153888 Stuart, H. (2006). Media portrayal of mental illness and its treatments. CNS drugs, 20(2), 99-106 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Media-Portrayal-of-Mental-Illness-and-its-Stuart/918ef7848dc827bcc000831a99818ca5dc91f397
- The Challenges of a Person with Bipolar Disorder
In this study, I will be tackling the challenges and struggles of an individual who has bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder has 4 types, bipolar. Bipolar 1 is the least common among four types, the 3 others types of bipolar, wherein the different episodes of this mental illness occur. Furthermore, In general. In this illness, you can feel extreme sadness and excessive happiness, or your mood can change in a finger snap. Moreover, if one of the symptoms does not occur or is shown along in the three categories of this mental illness and still showing the episode of the manic mood (Ashley, 2021). Every day people with bipolar disorder have difficulties in their daily lives, unpredictable mood swings, and often change their vibe toward the people around them. Sometimes they isolate themselves from other people to have less trouble communicating and socializing with other people. Hence, bipolar disorder is apparently still an unknown source. But some factors may be connected with bipolar, like the distinctive structure of the brain or family history of mental illness and a history of unpleasant trauma ( Ashley, 2021). Moreover, in the study by ( Cohen et al. 2003) about the impact of stress and social support on bipolar disorder recurrence, individuals' high amount of stress and traumatic/ painful experiences can trigger the disorder. This study suggests that social support can help an individual with bipolar I. Lower social support might be the risk factor for the higher types of bipolar disorders or other mental illnesses might occur. Bipolar disorder is life-threatening; the individuals experience a lot of mood swings or severe mood changes (White Swan Foundation, 2015). We should know all the facts and knowledge about Bipolar Disorder. Because we can not know if one of our family, relative, or colleague has it. We should be aware of this to take care of that person who is suffering from bipolar disorder. They can’t live their lives without being cautious of their movement; they can’t feel they are normal. They can also experience other people who choose to stay away from them because of their condition and not to understand their condition. According to the study and data of (Zornberg et al. 1993), the average woman with bipolar disorder is in her early mid-20s. It is because many women suffered from traumatic events or experiences from the abuser's family relative or in her environment. As we all know. This mental illness is a significant broad illness in our society. If you are experiencing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, you should get help from a professional. References: Cohen, A. N., Hammen, C., Henry, R. M., & Daley, S. E. (2004). Effects of stress and social support on recurrence in bipolar disorder. Journal of affective disorders, 82(1), 143-147.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2003.10.008 Do you know the four types of bipolar disorder? Ashley Addiction Treatment. (2021, September 23). Retrieved from https://www.ashleytreatment.org/4-types-of-bipolar-disorder/ White Swan Foundation. (n.d.). Bipolar disorder. White Swan Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.whiteswanfoundation.org/disorders/mood-disorders/bipolar-disorder?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPRMcdmOcUwJNqSjnM2ATWLgpQoY87-chB8n9uJ_34ZYiy_tJBC8KtRoCZXAQAvD_BwE Zornberg, G. L., & Pope, H. G. (1993). Treatment of depression in bipolar disorder: new directions for research. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-5618.2010.00831.x
- You Deserve to be Still: Trichotillomania and its Common Signs
Anxiety can manifest in many ways. It causes racing thoughts, feelings, or even actions. Hair-pulling with its frequency and intensity may result in a condition called Trichotillomania. What are the common signs that a person suffers from it? It may include compulsively pulling one’s hair or chewing the pulled-out hair. This behavior is urge-driven and can result in alopecia or hair loss/bald patches that also affect a person's daily life. According to studies, it is common among adult women (American Journal of Psychiatry, n.d. as cited in Legg, 2019). It offers relied on and gratification. Moreover, this can be the person’s way of dealing with stress or frustration. However, it can be shameful and may affect people suffering from it to societal participation (Olusoji et al. 2018). Trichotillomania appears to be associated with significant levels of distress and impairment (Walther, 2010). Usually, taking medications and psychotherapy can help alleviate these symptoms, especially the ‘habit-reversal therapy’, which includes self-monitoring, awareness, competition for response training, and stimulus-control procedure (Grant, 2016). These very unprecedented times can exacerbate the symptoms of Trichotillomania, and it is right to seek professional help. Remember, you deserve to be still. Your story matters. References: Grant, J. & Chamberlain, S. (2016). Trichotillomania. Treatment in Psychiatry. ajp.psychiatryonline.org Olusoji, E., Adesina, M., & Kanmodi, K. (2018). Trichotillomania: Hair Pulling Disorder. 21. In press. Walther, M., Ricketts, E. Conelea, C. & Woods, D. (2010). Recent Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Trichotillomania. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.
- Physical and Mental Impact of Work from home setting on Married Women
Covid-19 has profoundly impacted every aspect of our lives, both professionally and personally. Unexpected disruptions in our daily routines result from the IATF's (Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases) mandated policies. During the ongoing pandemic, the closing of physical workplaces and shifting to a work-from-home environment became the standard work arrangement. Remote working has become a safe and effective tool for businesses because it allows them to continue working while ensuring productivity and making workers more flexible in their schedules. According to a Pelta (2021) survey, most women prefer working from home due to the numerous benefits such as spending more time with their families, having a lower daily commute cost, and not being exposed to the virus. However, women who are married and have kids are more prone to experience higher rates of stress and depression due to the additional responsibility of caring for children while facilitating their learning and performing house chores while performing their work tasks. Furthermore, Elanda (2021) mentioned that working from home is much more challenging for women due to domestic labor responsibilities. Furthermore, a recent study by Cannon et al. (2021) found that domestic violence against women has also significantly increased due to increased social isolation and constant lockdown caused by the pandemic, which creates a more stressful environment, which can lead to violent behavior. Moreover, married women experience unfair treatment from their employers as they do not compensate women as highly as men, even in the high-skills field. The statement was supported by a study conducted by Xiao et al. (2021) on workers' experiences in work-from-home settings. According to the study's findings, female workers are prone to earn less salary per year than male co-workers. Furthermore, due to a lack of social support, female workers are vulnerable and have an increased prevalence to develop physical and psychological problems in the work-from-home setting. The work industry and the government should enforce strict laws to maintain safety and equality for the opportunity for women. References: Cannon, C. E. B., Ferreira, R., Buttell, F., & First, J. (2021). COVID-19, Intimate Partner Violence, and Communication Ecologies. American Behavioral Scientist. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764221992826 Elanda, Y. (2021). The Construction of an Ideal Mother amid the Covid 19 Pandemic: Gender Injustice Experienced by Career Women while Working From Home. HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.30983/humanisme.v5i1.3670 Pelta, R. (2022, January 12). Survey: Men & Women Experience Remote Work Differently. FlexJobs Job Search Tips and Blog. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/men-women-experience-remote-work-survey/ Xiao, Y., Becerik-Gerber, B., Lucas, G., & Roll, S. C. (2020). Impacts of Working From Home During COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical and Mental Well-Being of Office Workstation Users. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1097/jom.0000000000002097
- True Colors: The Effects of Politics on Mental Health of the People
The world comprises various sectors in different aspects of our lives which either bring amelioration or difficulties to people and society. One aspect is the politics that govern the country and its people. According to Boswell (2020), politics is about the people who get what, when, and how. This statement shows that some areas of politics are only focused and concerned with resolving disputes over the allocation of goods that abandon the crucial aspects of every human being, which are peace and harmony. As politics continue to evolve in different kinds of leadership, it divides and worsens people's mental health because of the disjointed belief of the society and politicians that affects them mentally in this world. People not only need material things, promises, and sugar-coat words, they need assurance that they will have a better life with happiness, contentment, and most significantly, a healthy mind from the governance of the politicians in the country. Politics, as confirmed by many therapists, was harmful to health. Many of us are affected by the transition of political powers and the uncertain future of our country. In the study of Smith and his colleagues about the cost of politics to friends, relatives, sanity, and health, they concluded from more than 800 Americans that politics causes stress. Some became depressed when their candidate did not win; almost 20 percent lost sleep; some felt tired because of political news. In addition, 29 percent of respondents said they lose their temper over politics, and 26 percent said they detest those who disagree with them on a political issue. Friendships have been harmed by political conflicts, according to 20% of those surveyed. The fact that many people described politics as a source of chronic stress and a threat to their mental health implies that politics isn't helping people's mental health, and in fact, it's likely harming it. Negative consequences were more likely to be reported by young, politically active, politically engaged, or on the political left (Smith, 2022). In terms of the mental health of politicians, since they are the ones who lead the society and the country into a better world, they are just as likely as other vocations to experience stress symptoms and to react badly to circumstances beyond their control by displaying heightened psychological strain (Weinberg, 2015). On the other hand, there was a sense of humiliation, failure, and a crushing lack of confidence among those defeated after the campaign. Since politics affects people's mental health negatively in general, it is essential to manage its effects and start to be mindful for us to have a healthy mind amidst the political madness. With that, practicing self-care by having a good regular sleep cycle, being healthy, and exercising regularly can help regulate the mood and lessen the risk of depression. Unplugging from toxic social media sites is also crucial, which allows us to unwind and have a more excellent balance in life. We must excuse ourselves from the political debates with family members and friends to avoid conflict in the relationship. Lastly, taking action and being open with others' opinions can promote understanding and reduce fear and stress about the uncertainty of politics. As we continue to live with politics in this world, it is essential to take care of our mental health for us to be equipped not just to find and vote for the right people for our country but for us to be part of building a promising future for ourselves, for others, and the next generation. We must save our country by protecting our mental health. References: Boswell, C. (2020). What is Politics? Retrieved from What is politics? | The British Academy Collins, D. (2020). How to Manage Your Mental Health in a Tense Political Climate, Retrieved from How to Manage Your Mental Health in a Tense Political Climate | One Medical Ellis, M. E. (2021). Politics and Mental Health: Providing Care During Times of Social and Political Unrest. Retrieved from Politics and Mental Health: Providing Care During Times of Social and Political Unrest – Constellation Behavioral Health Mental Health Foundation. (2019). Political change and mental health. Retrieved from Political change and mental health | Mental Health Foundation Roberts, J. (n.d.). Politicians and Mental Health. Retrieved from Politicians and Mental Health (palgrave.com) Smith, K. B. (2022). Politics is making us sick: The negative impact of political engagement on public health during the Trump administration. Retrieved from Politics is making us sick: The negative impact of political engagement on public health during the Trump administration (plos.org) Smith, K. B., Hibbing, M. V., and Hibbing, J. R. (2019). Friends, relatives, sanity, and health: The costs of politics. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0221870 Styx, L. (2022). No Matter What Party Is in Power, Politics Cab Harm Mental Health. Retrieved from No Matter What Party Is in Power, Politics Can Harm Mental Health (verywellmind.com) Weinberg, A. (2015). A longitudinal study of the impact of changes in the job and the expenses scandal on UK national politicians’ experiences of work, stress and the home-work interface. Parliamentary Affairs; 68 (2): 248–271.
- Setting a healthy boundary: Solving the Negative Effect of Social Media
As the detrimental impacts of social media are becoming more well known, many people become alarmed by these. Cyberbullying, fake news, popularity contests, and even catfishing can be seen on social media, which can also cause a negative impact. Social media can entertain individuals, and many of these individuals love the issues of different content bloggers against each other really can create a significant effect on social media users. Many people are so addicted to social media that they don't even realize they are overusing it. The need for validation and attention will follow that, according to Kalligas (2017). As a result, having a lot of negative impacts of social media issues has become the following trend to many organizations like how different organizations can provide and market establishing these healthy methods and approaches they can promote in setting healthy boundaries. Other groups and organizations are helping to promote different healthy boundaries online on many websites, online articles, and even on various social media applications. Also, many mental health professionals and their groups are guiding and ensuring that people's information online is based on truth, facts, previous studies, and published books. And as many national and influential international personalities advocate for mental health, this helps people understand the word mental health better and lets their followers know how to avoid danger, threats, scams, and discrimination that can influence stay safe and understand their boundaries. This helps to strengthen mutual respect for different opinions and is being promoted well. Five Healthy with Social Media Be mindful of who you interact with. Do not share your personal information. Manage your time on social media; make it at least 30 minutes a day and after that, only use it when you need to contact someone. Learn how to do activities personally like exercise, be with your friends and have fun doing activities you want. Practice putting away your phone and other gadgets. As well as the different social media apps on the internet are promoting various ways to stay healthy and are advising people to be careful who they interact with online. Some are restricting and banning people from using the app if they are proven to be doing something terrible. To prevent many victims from falling into traps. They are also teaching people to manage their time and discipline online to prevent people from getting addicted to it. As an active person on social media myself, I witness many professional and influential people being recognized for their excellent mental health advocacy, which is a great help for helping and promoting people to set their healthy boundaries on social media. And with the service of many articles online, people can do just what they need that can help them list down the possible ways of setting their boundaries. References: Kalligas, K. (2017) Social Media’s Dark Side: Learning to Set Boundaries https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297029 Morris, N. (2022) How to have a healthier relationship with social media in 2022 https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/03/how-to-have-a-healthier-relationship-with-social-media-in-2022-15856173/
- Depression: Silent Battles with Invisible Suffering
Changes in feelings and moods are considered normal since humans can react to different stimuli and events in life. However, this comes to a certain extent. Feeling sad from time to time is ordinary, but experiencing that unhappiness for weeks to months may be a sign of crisis. Especially in this pandemic, people's mental health is in grave danger as everyday problems become more detrimental and challenging. According to the World Health Organization (2020), in 130 countries surveyed, 93% demanded more funding for mental health services. This is due to the increasing numbers of people experiencing isolation, bereavement, loss of income, fear of several matters, and worsening prior mental health conditions (Bruner & Drysdale, 2020). Among those mental health difficulties, depression is the primary cause of disability worldwide. An estimate, of 5% of adults, primarily women, are experiencing depression. In the Philippines, about 1 in 10 young adults have moderate to severe depression (Banal, Gastardo-Conaco, Natividad & Puyat, 2021). This mental illness is indicated by feelings of restlessness, hopelessness, difficulties in sound thinking, and a proper sleeping cycle that affects functioning in everyday life (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). In the physical sense, observing the symptoms of people with depression is extremely difficult. The battles within these individuals do not obviously manifest the scars and pain they go through every day. Some of them laugh and exhibit normal interactional behavior but deep inside, the wounds still exist deep inside. The ticking bomb inside their heads keeps moving while they are stuck in their persistent empty feelings. When these people say they feel lost and lonely, it is essential to understand that it is not a phase just to shrug off and get over it. In the present, checking on loved ones is vital for everyone's sake. Everybody is vulnerable to illnesses and diseases, including mental health problems. However, checking off symptoms is not enough to diagnose a person. The best way to treat mental health difficulties is to consult a professional practitioner and get the best treatment method. References Banal, M., Gastardo-Conaco, M., Natividad, J. & Puyat, J. (2021). Depressive symptoms among young adults in the Philippines: Results from a nationwide cross-sectional survey. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. Volume 3, 2021, 100073. ISSN 2666-9153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2020.100073. Bruner, A. & Drysdale, C. (2020). COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey. World Health Organization. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news/item/05-10-2020-covid-19-disrupting-mental-health-services-in-most-countries-who-survey Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Depression. Retrieved from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9290-depression