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All about the body

Written by

Kaira Gabrielle G. Enriquez


Last updated

February 21, 2022 at 8:02:17 AM

April 4, 2022 at 7:37:49 AM

In today’s generation, people are being more accepting; however, there are more ways to attack people because of these new things, and it is as aggressive as ever. One of the issues that up until now is being faced is body shaming which is making inappropriate comments about somebody’s weight. You might associate this with plus-sized people; however, this can also apply to people who are “too skinny.” Body shaming is everywhere due to having a social standard of what a body should look like. This can either be by mocking someone of their weight or saying it verbally. This can lead to mental health issues such as low-self esteem; the worst-case scenario would be depression. It dates back to prehistoric times when the ideal body was voluptuous and curvy.

Goddesses were portrayed that way, and until the 20th-century, corsets were made to achieve that figure. In the 1920s, women were more into being slim, so it became an eating disorder epidemic to achieve a slim figure. However, in the 1950s, when Marilyn Monroe had a fuller body figure became an icon, all women believed that this was the new ideal body. In the 70s, women were freer to express their bodies; however, it became the rise of anorexia nervosa as more women tended to instill in their minds to maintain their weight. The 80s were the rise of supermodels by having a fitter figure. When it was the year 2000, obesity caused a person to have too much body fat making some children, men and women lose their confidence; however, by 2010, people embraced diversity and people are more open to different body types, which coined the term “Body Positivity” which aims to show different types of body.

With these terms, everybody embraced the #LoveYourBody advocacy, and everything is all good; however, is body positivity the proper term? There have been criticisms with BoPo because of this movement. Some believed that it created an unhealthy culture. Being obese is not right, nor is it healthy however do not exhaust yourself to lose weight drastically. Amidst all criticisms, a new term has been born, and that is Body Neutrality, which promotes accepting one’s body while discovering non-physical aspects and remarkable abilities; you love your body every day, and it stays like that.

Start accepting your flaws and body. Being able to be mindful about your body is the start of happiness. Just flaunt and show what you got; you are confidently beautiful, so work it.



Fuller, K. (n.d.). Body positivity vs. Body neutrality. Verywell Mind. Retrieved August 26, 2021, from

Howard, J. C. V. B. A. G. (2018, March 9). How the “ideal” woman’s body shape has changed throughout history. CNN.

Preston, A. M. (2021, January 8). The body positivity community can be toxic too, we just don’t talk about it. Harper’s BAZAAR.

Simon, K., & Hurst, M. (2021). Body positivity, but not for everyone: The role of model size in exposure effects on women’s mood, body satisfaction, and food choice. Body Image, 39, 125–130.

Soussi, F. (2020, August 17). Why the body positivity movement could be toxic - invisible illness. Medium.

What is body shaming | lifeworks eating disorders surrey. (n.d.). Life Works Community. Retrieved August 26, 2021, from

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