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Everything Happens on the Other Side of the Comfort Zone
Written by
Michaela Kaye Ambiong
Last updated
March 2, 2022 at 7:30:01 AM
March 2, 2022 at 7:30:01 AM
There are many opportunities to move beyond one's comfort zone, but seizing them can be challenging. Sometimes the issue is a lack of awareness of why doing so. After all, why should we strive to abandon the sense of security we have if it means that our most basic needs are being met?
Most of the time, people's mindset, more than a lack of knowledge, is what keeps them from stepping outside of their comfort zone.
A comfort zone could be defined as a condition of mind in which people are comfortable, in control of their environment, and have low levels of anxiety and stress; however, this definition does not sum up the whole meaning of the phrase. This is due to the fact that different people experience varying levels of anxiety and stress, and a woman or man's anxiety level may be higher or lower than another's. Therefore, comfort zones range from person to person. So, the ideal way to define a comfort zone is to think of it as a mental state in which a person's anxiety and vulnerability are at their lowest. It's the time in your life when you feel at ease and in control.
There is not much motivation for people to push themselves to new performance levels while they are in their comfort zone. People go about their daily routines without taking any risks, stagnating their growth.
You must understand that almost everything you need to attain your objectives necessitates the development of new abilities, habits, knowledge, and experiences. To be able to go from where you are to where you want to be, it is best to do something you have never done before. It would be best if you were willing to be uncomfortable because the only way to grow is through the discomfort. There is no other option.
To truly soar, rise beyond your previous self, and transform your life, you must not only be comfortable with suffering but also fall in love with the journey that comes with it. Discomfort is a period of time, not a single moment. It is a way of life—of constantly working through pressure points to release their influence on you rather than avoiding the tension.
In reality, shifting from a comfort zone to a growth zone may not be a straight line. Peaks, troughs, and plateaus frequently complicate the journey. We may even need to withdraw to our comfort zone from time to time before garnering the courage to venture out again. However, acknowledging the processes might help in the acceptance of uncertainty.
Why does the magic happen when you leave your comfort zone?
Your "real life" is only a few steps away. There is genuine existence beyond the bubble of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Your actual life is made up of all of your experiences, not just the ones you enjoy.
Challenging yourself to the test encourages you to access and utilize your untapped store of knowledge and resources. You have no clue what you're made of until you go out of your comfort zone.
Taking chances is a form of growth, regardless of how they turn out. Even if you make mistakes or don't do it right the first time, you'll gain valuable lessons. If you learn from your mistakes, there is no such thing as a failure.
Do not settle for mediocrity to avoid stepping outside your comfort zone; the value is too high. You've overcome several challenges and taken numerous risks. Whenever you try something new and allow yourself to be open to whatever experience occurs, you are learning and developing your inventory of life skills and self-knowledge. Your comfort zone increases too.
Getting out of your comfort zone makes it easier to deal with change and do it more effectively. Change is at the center of all life changes, and each time you change, you move forward to the next level. You will change as a result of these life events.
We, as humans, tend to stay in our comfort zones because we are afraid of feeling scared, anxious, or stressed. However, you may not realize that you are either growing or dying in life, and the key is to keep moving forward. If there is no growth, then there is no progress, and if there is no progress, you will never be able to see who you are outside of your comfort zone. So be your best to be outside of that comfort zone. Take little effort to boost your confidence and achieve your goals and dreams, and do not allow anything to stand in your way.
Brenner, A. (2015, December 27). 5 Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone.
Psychology Today.
Mead, E. (2018, November 26). Comfort Zones: An Alternative Perspective. PsychCentral.
Page, O. (2021, August 25). How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your 'Growth Zone.' Positive Psychology.
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