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Be Grateful in the Midst of Pandemic

Patricia P. Malimutin

This pandemic has brought many effects on the way we approach our daily lives. A year with considerable measures and social avenues being taken away from us just to reduce the spread of the virus has a various negative impact on everyone. However, there are still few good things that have come out in the midst of the pandemic and one of these is being grateful.

A thankful appreciation for what a person receives, whether it is tangible or intangible and the acknowledgement of the goodness that their lives attain is the meaning of gratitude. According to research from positive psychology, the act of gratitude is strongly and consistently corresponding with greater happiness. Furthermore, according to Joshua Brown and Joel Wong of Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine, there are many studies over the past decade that found people who consciously count their blessings to be happier and perhaps experienced less stress and less depression. Therefore, being grateful can bring improvements in our physical and mental health and this includes feeling or having more positive emotions, savor good experiences, improve overall health and well-being, and build strong relationships within ourselves and other people around us. In that case, here are few of the many things to be grateful for despite our situation today.

1. Waking up to see another day

Be grateful that you get to see another day, another day to spend with your family and friends. Another day to see the beauty of all things despite the bad things currently happening.

2. Hearing good news

In these times where all we can hear is the rapid increase of infection due to the virus and we miss out on some of the more positive news updates, hearing good news is one of the things we should be grateful for as this brings light and hope to our concerning situation.

3. The ability to connect with family and friends

Amidst this Covid-19 crisis, social media is the source of communication for everyone. With this, different platforms were used as a great and helpful way to stay connected with our loved ones even while physically separated. We should be grateful that despite being apart from each other, we are still able to have access and spend time with them even if it is only virtual because we never know what tomorrow will bring. So, while there is a chance to communicate, well then make the most of it.

4. The special people who filled spots where your loved ones were missing

Always remember that you still have people behind your back that can simply listen or take your mind off your loneliness. These special people hold you in their hearts and are willing to offer compassion, empathy, and other emotional support.

5. The fact that you are unconditionally loved and accepted

These feelings are interconnected. You are not alone in these times. There are people who love you for who you are and for who you are going to be in the future and accept you for the things you can only offer.

6. People who pray for you every day, without you realizing it

Prayer is considered to be the most powerful especially in this situation because it is the ultimate source of all. Let us be grateful and appreciate those people who extend their time and effort to include our safety and health in their prayers.

7. Your challenges

We should not be only grateful for the positive things but rather find gratitude in the difficult situations you are put in as this could help you to really nail down what you have to be thankful for.



The Impact of Gratitude on Mental Health. (2021, January 9). NAMI California.

Dowling, D. (2016, June 22). 100 Reasons to be Grateful Today. Tiny Buddha.


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